Unless I have missed something, this particular article is only talking about what’s coming out of the engines on the plane. When the general population speaks of chemtrails, they are talking about what is being sprayed from holding tanks within a plane. To babble on about what comes out of the engine as being a contrail and a chemtrail is not addressing the issue of what is being sprayed/discharged from holding tanks within a plane fuselage for the purpose of Geo engineering, dumping industrial waste, etc. etc.

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Thank you for your comment. There is no holding tanks in a commercial aircraft. I guess you are referencing the ballast tanks that have nothing to do with spraying at all. If you need to learn more about what chemtrails/contrails are feel free to go on this website:https://climateviewer.com/. Also, this article is about chemtrails caused by aviation and not referencing other geoengineering technologies such as Marine Cloud Brightening, Carbon Dioxide Removal or SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection) or Ship Tracks

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Alot of scientific information here but I am more concerned and interested in knowing about WHAT are we as BCers doing to make people AWARE especially farmers....??

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I live on a farm in BC and most farmers here are aware of what's happening in our skies and the bs the BC Gov't is doing to them . We GFC travelled last year a lot to raise awareness and we still attend meetings, gatherings events to talk about geoengineering. But without community support we are limited. What YOU can do is put on an event, we come present and we do our best to educate them as much as we possibly can.

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I live near an airport and the only planes I have seen ‘spraying’ or with a trail after them are the ones from the airforce base that fly a crisscross grid for hours above our skies.

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Every aircraft (commercial or military) leaves a trail. Again, depending on the altitude you may see them or not. Planes don't make clouds in the stratosphere. Chemtrails can: jet pollution injects aerosols any time a plane is flying in the stratosphere (above the tropopause).

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